Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Counting With Tens. KW

Counting with Tens.

Today my kindergarten class worked on counting with ten bundles. Every morning the students count how many days of school they have had. Today was the 86th day so the helper and his assistant counted out the straws. We had 8 bundles of 10 and then 6 loose straws that we counted. Starting out we sang the ten song going "ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty..." all the way to one hundred. That helps remind them before we actually start counting. After the number song we then count the ten bundles, then the remaining straws. The ten bundles tap the helpers shoulders and then the one bundle taps the helper and then their assistant. The helper holds the ten bundles and the assistant holds the unbundled ones. 

From the straw count, the kindergartners count by ones all the way up to 86, well for today. Then they all stand up for the number jump. I walk around the room holding my hand above their heads and they jump and say the next number. We counted all the way up to 86 today. When a student does not guess the number correctly, they sit down and those standing up continue jumping and counting.

We then played math bingo from  a website on the ELMO. The students counted the ten bundles and then the non bundled cubes. Once they fully counted the number they pointed out the printed numbers. I did not have much to do with this activity but was able to fully work with the students on straw bundle counting, counting to 86, and the number jump. Next week Tuesday we will be working with math buckets. Each student works with the bucket that corresponds to their math abilities.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure that you include some sample (e.g. image or visual) of the student work or task.
