Monday, April 15, 2013

Vision as a Teacher

As a teacher, what is your vision for your mathematics instruction?
In my classroom, I want my students to enjoy math.  I want to make sure that my instruction is very hands-on and engaging for the students.  It will be helpful for me to understand different solution sto a problem so it will be important for me to understand the tasks before introducing it to the students.  I want the students to understand what they are learning, so a lot of discussions will be held about what we are doing and learning during math.

What do you want your classroom to look like?
I want my classroom to be a comfortable and safe environment for my students.  I want them to feel comfortable amongst their peers and be comfortable sharing their ideas.  There is definitely going to be a space in the classroom where all of the students will meet for discussions, so everyone is together and engaged in conversations.

What type of work do you want your students to do?
From this class, I have learned how important high level thinking is and how it is beneficial for students.  I want to give students problems or tasks that will encourage them to explore different possibilities and really make them think about why this problems is done in that way.

What do you want your students to accomplish in your mathematics classroom?
Of course, I want all of my students to understand and be successful in math.  More specifically, I want the students to know  what they are doing in math and why it is helpful.  I want them to learn the logistics of what we are learning, so they can see how it will benefit them in the future.

1 comment:

  1. These are all admirable visions. How do you see yourself as a teacher helping students in achieving these goals, e.g., feeling safe? being successful in math? knowing what they are doing and why they are doing it?
