Sunday, April 21, 2013


Math Stuff

“Based on the vision you elaborated last week, what role will math instruction play in your classroom and why?  Specifically, what are the mathematical instructional techniques or methods that fit with your vision?  Be as specific as possible.  These can include assessment, planning, or interactive teaching.” 

The role that math instruction will play in my classroom will be the same role that all of the other content areas will receive. I will provided my future students with the best mathematical instruction that I can. I will incorporate a lot of technology in my classroom (hopefully, unless I get a crappy school district, in which I will make the best situation out of it) because technology is a great addition to the classroom. Technology allows as a great interactive tool and can be used as visual learning tool. I really believe that teaching should be as interactive as possible because when people work with things hands on they can remember it better and are more interested. 

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