The students are still working with advancing their counting skills. The lower level math proficiency students are working with counting objects and then associating those numbers counted to the written number. The boys that I worked with on this need practice working on their counting from 0 to 10 still. When I try to think of the bigger thinking going along with this math work, the students are working on their counting but then associating it with the written number. We sat by the number line while completing sheets like this one and other numbers, for them to count the squares and then associate them with the written numbers.
I interpret this procedure to help the students really practice and master their counting skills. This also helps them associate their written numbers with visually seeing the amount of cubes that represent the number.
How do you further expand off of this lesson?
How can you take this math work and make it more relatable for the students to continue their counting skills beyond the lesson?
What more developed math tasks can be branched off this task?
I would say ways to further this task is by having the students count different things that they use. They could bring and count the number of barbie dolls or number of sports cars, things that they play with at home or in the classroom. More developed math tasks can be addition and subtraction tasks, by using their counting skills.
A thoughtful analysis. I definitely agree that a natural way to extend this task would be to have students use their own objects to complete this type of activity, thereby expanding their application of one-to-one correspondence.