This is a math worksheet the students had to complete. This worksheet has the students practice their multiplication skills, and allows them to begin working with variables and the order of operations. I would say that there are not multiple ways to approach these problems, as there is one correct answer and one way to get there, because one must correctly follow the order of operations. I have noticed that a lot of students forget to carry over, and add or multiply properly.Those are the most common mistakes that I have found when students do not reach the correct answer.
The first thing I noticed about this student is that they do not show their work. I think that it would have helped this student remember to carry over. I think that by having the students show their work, it would improve their scores. I think this student did not show their work, and they forgot to add and carry over. I think that it would benefit this student by going over the order of operations and by having it on a poster in the room so that they have it available to them.
This worksheet could easily be turned into a high level thinking problem. This could be done by having the students come up with their own problem, with large numbers. For the order of operations, I think that after a mini lesson on it, the students should create their own problem that requires students to know the order of operations, and give it to a friend to try and make sure it works.
Think about what some others ways to ask the problems above might be...Also, what are some different ways to represent the solutions / approaches to solving the above problems? How might you help students in your class see the connection between these different representations?